Clinically Pressed

Research Review: Split v. Full Body Training Program



In this Reserach Review, Dr. Jagim talks about split vs. full body training in a group of non-trained women that assessed the changes in some performance metrics at the beginning and at the end. The volume/amount of exercises were equalized over the course of the week with the split group having shorter workouts but more frequency compared to longer training sesssions but fewer for the full body group. The results found that both groups got stronger to the same extent, so ultimately what they found is that both types of workouts were effective. From this study it appears you can utilize both types of training and still focus on getting the results that you want. Training Program:  #complicatedsimple #progressive #openminded #PBE #EBP #noagenda #performance #training #nutrition #health #wellness #athlete #athletictraining #science #chiropractic #rehab #prevention #cl