The Competitive Edge

Moving Beyond The Self-Improvement Trap With Steve March (Aletheia Coaching)



Our society is obsessed with self-improvement. This was a major feature of how I related to reality for most of my life. As helpful as self-improvement can be, it also has a major shadow side that largely goes unexamined.  Implicit in the pursuit of self-improvement is that there is a deficit; that whatever or however your being is in this moment is not whole or complete. This keeps you grasping in a seemingly endless treadmill without ever reaching an enduring sense of completion or fulfillment. Most people don’t really even know there is an alternative to the self-improvement paradigm. This is one of the main topics of today’s conversation with Steve March, the founder of Aletheia Coaching.  Some of my other favorite ideas include: Why self-improvement on its own can be a trap Striking the balance between self-improvement and self-unfoldment How to practically embody a more unfoldment experience  Understanding how solutions and support often arise when we allow them vs. exert force How shifting ou