Cmaj Podcasts

The rapid evolution and enhanced capabilities of virtual urgent care



On this episode, Drs. Blair Bigham and Mojola Omole delve into the evolution and advancements in virtual urgent care since the COVID-19 pandemic. The discussion centers around the study published in CMAJ entitled "Healthcare utilization and outcomes of patients seen by virtual urgent care versus in-person emergency department care," which analyzed patient usage and outcomes during the height of the pandemic. The study didn’t specifically track how many patients were redirected from emergency departments (ED) to virtual care. However, it found that around 80% of patients seen via virtual urgent care didn't require an immediate ED visit, suggesting that virtual care likely reduced some emergency presentations. However, it also noted that virtual urgent care didn't always prevent subsequent hospital visits. Importantly, the study reflects a specific period and doesn't capture the current state of virtual urgent care.Dr. Justin Hall, director of the Toronto Health Region's Virtual Ur