Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 473: What Would the Rebbe’s View Be on the Latest Hostage Deal?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: What are our responsibilities in time of war?  How have Jews won their battles throughout history?  How do the physical and spiritual components of the war complement each other?  What does the spiritual war entail?  How do you fight and win a war against a sworn enemy?  Why are we empowered by knowing that this conflict is part of the geulah process?  How do we respond to the global wake-up call?  What strength and lessons do we gain from Yud Dalet Kislev – the 95th anniversary of the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin?  What are some practical steps we can take to change our daily mindset from the negativity of golus to the positivity of geulah?  How should I avoid despair?  How do we build up betachon?  How beautiful is it to see Jews celebrating the return of the hostages?  What would the Rebbe’s view be on the latest hostage deal?  Does negotiating with terrorists over hostages create a dangerous precedent and further encourages its e