Born To Create

Ruthie Gray on Chasing Your Dreams in the Second Half of Life



I have listeners from all walks of life, all backgrounds, and all ages and stages of life. However, if I had to pick one category of listener that probably represents the largest chunk of my audience, it’s writers in the 40-60-year-old age range. We all know that profound changes can happen during this phase of life, the biggest of which is that your kids leave home and you become what’s known as an “empty nester.” When the kids are no longer at home, everything about your family life changes. I’m going through this to some degree right now since my son, Ash, is 19. He’s been out of high school a year and still lives at home, but will probably be moving out in the not-too-distant future. If this phase of life describes you, or if it describes someone you’re close to, you’ll relate very much to our guest today. Her name is Ruthie Gray and she’s been a guest here on the podcast before, talking about Instagram marketing. However, Ruthie recently released a new book called Empty Next Awakening: Weaving the Thread