Christian Questions Talk Radio

What Is Your Ebenezer?



The world around us moves so fast that it’s easy to forget to pause and consider just how profoundly God has blessed us. In the United States, somewhere tucked in between the massive Halloween parties and the exhilaration of Christmas, Santa Claus, presents and fun, is a holiday called Thanksgiving. While we won’t take the time to discuss how it came to be, we do want to remember why. Thanksgiving’s origin was actually simple. It was proclaimed to pause and consider just how profoundly blessed those settlers were to have lived through a hard winter and now experience a harvest in preparation for the next hard winter. In short, the thanksgiving they gave was to God above, period. Today we’ll talk about a similar thanksgiving to God but under the biblical name of Ebenezers. The name of a place and a rock Back in the days of ancient Israel, even before they had a king, Samuel was God’s prophet for the people. In spite of Samuel’s presence, a series of events led them down a road of essentially abandoning God for