Christian Questions Talk Radio

Are Christians Really Baptized Into Christ?



Arise and be baptized! This and many other similar scriptural statements have in many ways defined Christianity. Unfortunately, because Christianity is so splintered it applies these very important words and instructions in a wide variety of ways. Some say baptism changes you, others say it is a symbol, and others say it is necessary for heaven. Some baptize infants, others baptize children and others, adults only. Others baptize into a church or denomination, while some "baptize into Christ." Some see baptism as a necessary beginning to walk towards Christ, while others see it as a symbol of having decided to sacrificially follow Christ. How can all of this be one baptism? It can’t! What do we do with all of this? We search the Scriptures and look for the originally intended message behind Christian baptism. What's the purpose? When you think about it, baptism is a strange ritual. What would be the purpose of dunking people in water anyway? Do they need a bath? Actually, the whole concept of Christian baptis