Aussie Expat Podcast

Expat Chat Episode 102 - The Importance Of Timing For Australian Expats



Welcome to the one hundred and second episode of the #Expatchat podcast where we discuss the latest tax and financial issues affecting an #Australianexpat. In today’s Expat Chat we talk about why timing can make the difference of thousands, tens of thousands and sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars for Australia expats. The nature of an Australian expat means that we are always moving, sometimes staying in one location longer then the other however what this moving means is that in order to optimise your finances you need to ensure that your timing of events is structured in a way that ensures you don't experience any unintended consequences. Australian expats sometimes fail to understand that by timing different actions at different stages when managing your finances can have a drastic affect on your wealth. In this episode we run through the following topics: • Does it make a difference if I sell or redeem an asset in one country or another? • Doesn't the Double Taxation Agreement protect me fro