48 Days To The Work You Love Internet Radio Show

I’m being held prisoner by my job…



In our recent survey the overwhelming majority of you said you dream of running your own business - or you want to grow the business you already have. Fewer than 10 responses said you wanted help in finding a job. And yet a whole lot of the stories you shared told of being in a job now that you wanted out of. So, moving forward, I will be interspersing those stories - only to provide a framework for how to go from the job you have to the business you’re dreaming about. We’ve got some gripping stories today - from that recent survey that will give us the set up for how to move from where you are - to where you want to be.  So, grab your cup of tea - or maybe your Mt. Dew - and get ready for a power-packed episode filled with practical advice, inspiring stories, and valuable resources to help maximize your opportunities. Questions:  1. I need to find a new job. It likely won't be a dream job, but it should be better than where I am.  2. I have a JOB but I think it has the potential for passive income.  3. I’ve