Aussie Expat Podcast

Expat Chat Episode 97 - Retiring Overseas And Accessing Your Super



Welcome to the ninety seventh episode of the #Expatchat podcast where we discuss the latest tax and financial issues affecting an #Australianexpat. In today’s Expat Chat we talk about what Australian expats need to consider when they are looking to retire overseas and draw upon their superannuation account as a account based pension (ABP). All depending on what country to intend to retire in will depend on whether there will be any local taxes applied to your allocated pension. The Australian superannuation system is unique when you compare it to savings plans and pensions around the world and it is one of the reasons why there maybe confusion overseas on whether it should be taxed or not. In this episode we run through the following topics: • How is super taxed in Australia when you retire? • Can a Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) assist or hinder your retirement income? • Are Australian government employees treated differently compared to other superannuants? Links that we discussed in this episode inc