Simple Roots Radio

#308: How You Heal: Eat Healing Foods



Healing requires you to consume more healing foods. Foods that make you feel light and alive. Learn the difference between negative energy foods and positive energy foods designed to help you heal. Food isn’t just food. It can be, but it’s also so much more than that. Yet, at the same time, it’s nothing like what we have understood it to be. Common thought leaves you believing food can change how you look and even how you feel. In a roundabout way, it can. But your body ultimately determines the outcome you experience. Meaning the power of food is what your body makes of it. Your health is determined by what your body chooses to do with what you provide. You can’t change your body. That is up to your body. But you can influence what your body does by learning how to support the body based on what it needs. Food can not change you, but it can support you.  Healing requires the support provided by food through the nourishment it contains. Healing and healing food is not a metric of energy but the nutrients the