Out There

For All The Truth Seekers



I would guess that most of us are seeking some kind of truth, especially early in life.  We ask so many questions, often questions that frustrate our parents.  We want to know "why."  At some point many of us lach onto something and we stop asking why.  It's like that scene in one of my favorite movies, Close Encounters, where Richard Dreyfus refused to stop until he found what he was looking for.  I feel that same way.  Why do I feel so strong about this?  I don't know.  Are you that way too?  There are so many options out there today with the internet, how do we know what's true or not?  Who can we trust?  First and foremost it should be ourselves in my opinion.  I think our intuition guides us if we allow it.  I think to find truth we have to let go of what we think it is, we need to be open.  We have to look at both and all sides.  Even then, we still may not know and just have to let it go for a day when something else will line up and it will all make sense.  So much is going on in our world right now a