Minority Korner

MK334: Doin it for Ourselves! (Golden Globes, Seneca Village, Rule of 3: Betty White, Sidney Poitier, Bob Saget)



We’re officially back, there's no one else in the world we would rather start the year off with than the queen of minority Korner herself Nnekay Fitzclarke! If 30 Rock has taught us anything it’s that the rule of 3 in celebrity deaths is real as we have lost Betty White, Sidney Poitier, and Bob Saget. The Golden Globes.. Happened? But does it count? There were also some big historic wins when it comes to representation!  In the main Korner James finally delivers on the history of Seneca Village, a once prominent Black community where Central Park now resides. Find out what happened to this Black community and how this displacement still happens today.  REFERENCE LINKS:Golden Globes Winners: https://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/1207430-2022-golden-globe-winners-revealedSeneca Village: https://www.centralparknyc.org/articles/seneca-village Manhatta to Manhattan the Lenape: https://www.k12.wa.us/sites/default/files/public/indianed/tribalsovereignty/elementary/uselementary/uselementary-unit1/level2-materials/ma