Flagrant Fellas Podcast

Episode 7 - NBA, No Broads Allowed



Brandon, Ray, and Jay are back in back to back weeks again talk about Kevin Ware's injury, should college players be paid, Brittney Griner, could a woman be effective in the NBA, Chris Bosh was robbed of his jewelry while out celebrating birthday, could the heat win with B Griner in their lineup, coach Mike Rice fired after throwing balls, Robinson Cano looks to Hova for representation, Jay-Z the rapper vs the business man, Hater of the Week, and Who need a Pay Raise.heir music, Lil Wayne, Hater of the Week, and Who Need a Pay Raise. Intro: Common - Soul By the Pound Outro: Kendrick Lamar ft. Jay-Z - Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe (remix) @bbruce11 @rayalystic @pardonmyreal @FlagrantFellas