Radio Dale: Music, Musicians And The Canadian Music Industry

Radio Dale 61 - Respect Your Fans!



13 is our lucky number! Again, an intended list of 5 has become a list of 13...and we're gonna keep it that way. When you don't have fans, you're just a lonely person in a room playing music to a wall. Your fans mean EVERYTHING, and in the end everything can change but if you're doing your job right, you'll still have your fans. So, we offer some suggestions to respect them, keep them happy, and give the fans the love they deserve! Radio Dale is a podcast about music, musicians and the music industry from our unique perspective, specifically we offer advice, tips and tricks to independent musicians. THE EPISODE: THIS WEEK IN MUSIC HISTORY on this day...Gary Numan was don't lock up your doors...Gary Numan is alive, to-day. *do do* Discovered and shared from WHO CHARTED! ...Oscar songs! ROO'S 60 SECOND TIP: ...why making musician friends is a good idea for a musician! ROUNDTABLE: We list 13 ways to respect your fans, from the obvious (thank t