Radio Dale: Music, Musicians And The Canadian Music Industry

Radio Dale 73: Our Predictions for 'Song of the Summer'



The Song of the Summer is the golden ticket, the mountain peak, the World Cup (topical) of the music industry. To have the Song of the Summer is basically saying "Your song is the most successful, memorable, and obnoxiously overplayed song of the year." Last year, 'Blurred Lines' edged out 'Get Lucky,' and the year before Carly Rae was #1 with 'Call Me Maybe.' We offer our predictions for the 2014 Song of the Summer for three genres: Pop, Rock and Country! Radio Dale is the podcast about music, musicians and the Canadian music industry from our unique perspective at the Dale Speaking offices. We help bring indie and established acts to radio, and spread the word online, as well as develop their careers in today's ever-changing music business. This podcast gives away some of our best information for free, and serves as the 'radio show' that broadcast the ideas, observations and insights we discover every day working with Canadian and International artists. THE EPISODE: THIS WEEK IN MUSIC HISTORY: ...Haggard