Encouraging Others Through Christ - Gspn.tv

150 - Beyond The Bible - A Journey to Understanding: Probing Questions with Brian Dixon



In Episode 147, "Facing The Fear of Being Shunned: Navigating Spiritual Awakening & Deconstruction," I delved into the varied responses I received to my Facebook post on my Spiritual Awakening and Deconstruction journey. My friend Brian Dixon voiced some concerns about my post, my intention to create a space for others on a similar path, and my exploration of God's truth beyond biblical confines. Over the next few days, I felt an internal nudge suggesting I invite Brian to join my podcast for a deeper conversation about my journey. The idea wasn't to instigate a debate, but rather for Brian to ask insightful questions that could help him understand my spiritual path and how I arrived at this point. Brian graciously accepted the invitation, and this episode features our thought-provoking conversation from the afternoon of July 21st, 2023. Towards the end of our conversation, Brian shared his extensive religious education - a master's degree from a Bible college - and his lifelong commitment as a Bible-beli