Keeping It Real With Shana Recker

Issues in the Coaching industry and why I'm questioning everything in my business.



I have been absent from being here online for a few weeks, but I have a good reason. A while back, I started feeling off about my business. I've had lots going on personally in my life, and to be honest, I felt burned out. My business was also slowing down in sales, and I was struggling to keep up with the demand required of me to sell sell sell to make an income. Everything was feeling off. At this same time, I was having a bad experience trying to get out of a coaching program I no longer aligned with and full disclosure, I could no longer afford to take part. That coach was not letting me out of my contract... so that led me down a path of what was ethical and not ethical in online coaching, and well, I uncovered A LOT. This is part one of some things I've uncovered in the coaching industry that I believe really need to change. Things I am guilty of myself and no shame, no stories; my guess is a lot of coaches are guilty of because it's how we were taught. But that doesn't excuse the be