Out There




This week Roslyn McGrath and Joy Melchezidek join me and we will channel the Third Mary.  Who's the Third Mary?  You have Jesus's mother Mary, Mary Magdelene and her mother who is also named Mary.  Roslyn has felt like she was an aspect of this person back in that time, and by aspect, a part of the consciousness of this person but also her own being.  Does that make sense?  We all think that we are one soul, yes, but is it possible that others can be around you and be an aspect of who you are to witness and experience your journey?  Why not?  2000 years ago several beings came forward to change the world, to move us on a course where we are heading today, remembering who we are.  It is believed that many who were aspects of the key players back then are around today to help usher in the Golden Age.  And that is Roslyn's connection with the Third Mary.  Roslyn is a gifted channel and much more, you can check out her website at:  www.empoweringlightworks.com