Out There




Let's see, there's Edith and Archie, Gloria and Meathead, who else?  Okay, not that family.  This week we have an interesting take on the family of Jesus and Mary Magdelene.  You may have heard from sources that they had a child, Sarah.  Were there more?  Roslyn McGrath joins Joy Melchedzidek and myself to channel the 3rd Mary and her family.  Who's the 3rd Mary?  She is the mother of Mary Magdelene who Roslyn has been channeling for some time now.  Roslyn has written two books relating to this: "Post Resurrection, the Family Of Mary Magdelene", and "The Third Mary: 55 Messages For Empowering Truth, Peace and Grace From the Mother of Mary Magdelene."     This may not be for everybody, use your own discernment if you choose to listen.  My goal is to never stir the pot or change your way of thinking.   You can check out Roslyn's website at: www.empoweringlightworks.com/