Always Yes - Scottish Political Podcast




Load the Ivory is about the demise of the British empire and some of the atrocities they committed. Load the Ivory refers to them packing up and ramping up production, in there final days of colonialisation. Over 30,000 tonnes of elephant tusks were sent back to the UK during the African Colonial period. Can you imagine how many elephants would have to have had been poached to reach such a figure? Not to mention the British involvement of the Slave trade, a horrific period in human history. Lyrics. seems the sun finally set, where the burning furnace sun never set, sun they never get, bet it still burns, rightfully glum n wet, undone, succumb, to tons of debt, sons they never let, learn their dark history, history lesson started yesterday The rape and pillage of the Danes still circles our brains but the wains know fuck all about atrocities democracy killed Socrates Not washing hands caused diseases The middle ages were riddled with sieges British rulers of the seven seas swept Beaches slave traders