Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

Tips & Talk 110 – 32 Questions



I’ve heard it said that the answers you seek in life are only as good as the questions you ask. Because so much goes on in our heads, sometimes our thoughts are trying to answer the wrong questions. Or you get in a brain spin and ideas go round and round randomly without even attempting to answer a specific question. To make some sense of this random thought behavior, I decided to put together sets of questions to ask that will help reflect on your handmade product business journey. Some won’t apply to you at all, some you’ve got covered and some may poke at you and perhaps make you uneasy. The best way to work through this is to listen to the entire podcast first. Then go back and write down the questions that resonate with you the most or the ones that you know deserve some time to ponder. Resources Mentioned in this Episode Gift Biz Unwrapped Podcast Resource List Inspired! Daily Planner CONNECT with me here: Website | Facebook | Instagram SUBSCRIBE to the podcast: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts |