
The Happiness Formula with Kendra Reddy | Ep228



SHOW NOTES What is the dent you wish to make in the world? I'm here to figuring out the next evolution of the world. I'm obsessed with finding the edges of my potential. I want to empower other people to do the same, to really feel like they're capable of more than they probable believe that they can. Episode Key Takeaway Listeners will better understand the art and science of happiness. They'll start to define or refine their own definitions of happiness (and success). They can start experiencing more happiness now, instead of waiting for ‘happily ever after’. Instead of feeling like a victim of circumstances and getting rocked off their centre when life is in chaos, they’ll be more able to maintain a positive attitude and have the capacity to lead with clarity and be present with those who rely on them. About Kendra Reddy A certified executive and leadership coach (CPCC, PCC, CNTC), Kendra believes that leading with excellence begins with personal mastery, and she is passionate about wo