
100 Horrors special!!



Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a very special episode of RBTV. All three hosts of the phenomenal 100 horrors podcast (Matt, Paul & Rob) Joined me to discuss getting to their 100th episode, what's in store for season two, when someone had a fit during a viewing of Suspiria and plenty more. Oh and the film I couldn't think of the name of was Censor! Watch it, it's amazing These lads and I go way back and it's awesome to see their podcast in full swing! New episodes each Friday. You can find them at: https://open.spotify.com/show/1eQyMryAbi6uBs6p4q76In?si=cfa9628266eb4155 https://www.instagram.com/100horrors/ https://www.facebook.com/100horrors https://twitter.com/100horrors and you can find more from me at: https://www.instagram.com/rickv1deo & https://www.reapjiujitsu.com Thanks for listening!