Find Your Sustain Ability

015 Brian Crutchfield on sustainability since the 1970s



Bryan Crutchfield joins Lee in studio for a discussion ranging from tobacco farming to photovoltaics and the Tennessee Valley Authority. A North Carolina native and Virginia Tech graduate, Crutchfield has seen his share of changes in the field of sustainability since the 1970s. Crutchfield shares some of the ways he has found to make a real and lasting impacts in your community.    Lee Ball: Welcome to another episode of Find Your Sustain Ability. My name is Lee Ball. Today, we have joining us Brian Crutchfield, a longtime energy advocate, and I was really interested in getting Brian on the show because of the current state of energy in the world today. Brian worked with the Tennessee Valley Authority for many years. More recently, he worked with Blue Ridge Energy as their sustainable development director. Welcome, Brian, to the show. Brian Crutchfield: Great to be here, Lee. Lee Ball: How did you first become interested in advocating for the environment? Brian Crutchfield: Well, I was in grad school back dur