Crossing The Line

Narcissist's Secrets Series #6: They Don't Believe in Morals, Ethics, and Loyalty- But They Expect Everyone Else To!



Enjoy our sixth episode on the Narcissist's Secrets Series. What makes narcissists most successful in the abuse of others, comes with the misunderstanding that their targets are usually very concerned with what is right and wrong. This is what the narcissist falsely advertises to charm their target and hook them in to begin with. This is what is used against the target, and will hurt and shock them the most during the devaluation and discard period. When the narcissist drops the mask and starts acting out their real self, this is what they play and manipulate with. Don't ever assume a narcissist would not do a certain act, just because you or others would not do that. There is nothing that will stop the narcissist from breaking boundaries and rules of conduct.