The Mentee Podcast

S5E63: A Simple Trick to Shift Your Mindset and Experience Gratitude Instantly



Are you just going through the motions of life? Or are you living it to the fullest? It may be time to change your perspective. Going from a “have-to” to a “get-to” view is an eye-opening experience that can help you be intentional about the choices you make every day.In this episode, I discuss the difference between a “get-to” and a “have-to” perspective. I talk about how you can face the trials and tribulations required to Get-To the other side of this goal that you want, as opposed to the “have-to” perspective. Are you ready to change your perspective?Tune in to the episode to improve your life and learn how to be a “get-to” person!Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:Changing your perspective from a “have-to” to a “get-to”.You always have the freedom to choose.Be intentional and purposeful.Your mindset may be holding you back from becoming your desired future self.Stop being reactive and start being proactive about what you do every day.Episode Highlights:[2:05] “Get-to” vs “Have-to”: S