The Mentee Podcast

S5E58: Staying on Track: Proven Strategies to Beating Distractions



It is easy to find ourselves sidetracked in a society with constantly developing technologies and social media. Sometimes we indulge ourselves in distractions to the point we're unable to complete necessary tasks. To achieve our goals, we must figure out ways to not let distractions take over our control.  Peter Shankman, best-selling author and CEO of ShankMinds joins me to talk about how you can overcome distractions to achieve your goals. Are you having trouble staying focused on your tasks? How do you take control of your life to prevent straying from the good? Peter takes his understanding and experience with ADHD to show us the way. Tune in to the episode to take control of your life and learn to stay focused on your goals.Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:Plan everything beforehand Discipline yourself with rulesUnderstand yourself and your prioritiesIt's okay to be differentEpisode Highlights:[4:24] Having ADHD and Controlling DistractionsADHD is when distracti